Saturday, October 1, 2011

To Kill A Songbird

The corn is growing well
there are poisons in the air
and the bees and bats are dead
and the butterflies are not well

Migrating birds must fly
through clouds of death and greed
the poisons go so high
farmers cannot raise the seed

A corporate brood controls our food
for oil is running out
the cars must run, so must the gun
the money sign's what it's all about

The Earth grows tense behind the fence
farmers cannot raise the seed
the birds must die and it makes no sense
we'll have to eat the weeds

The planet groans as children die
deep ocean things emerge
the next life forms to walk the earth
until the next great surge

The canary in the mine has sung
and fluttered down to rest
He will not rise, no one will come
the Earth will take the rest

Jehanah 2010

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