Saturday, August 6, 2011


Do not go with feathers in your hand
Bear no apology
No gifts or expectations
Go swiftly to meet a kindred spirit
Solace found in compatriot arms
Go not wanting
For wanting rapes the heart and
Chastises the spirit
Arrive not at the gate to gain glory
Rather to bask in the sunlight of a shared array

Listen dear one, listen well
Share a dream
Maybe two or three
Each time the thought is spoken
Spoken gently, with hope
Spoken with that conviction only dreams own
The dream becomes more real
Growing in depth
A glowing tattoo upon the Spirit
With each telling comes new shape and detail
Slow now to follow this, my dear friend
Share your dreams to make them so
Make them grow
Maybe two or three
Come dear one, share your dreams with me

For I am an old woman
Long is my memory and
Full my chest of dreams
Many fulfilled,
All shared as the waning sun
Kissed cheeks left pink and glowing

In fond memory, Jehanah
C. Hogan, 2011